Humanidad Vigente | Girls and teenagers from Arauca victims of the armed conflict. - Humanidad Vigente

Girls and teenagers from Arauca victims of the armed conflict.

Escrito por  el 
29 junio, 2011

    Natives, peasants and displaced citizens from Arauca, are systematic victims of their rights violations, consequence of the armed conflict presented in the region.

    On April 2010, it was registered the case of a girl sexually abused by a soldier from the 18th Brigade, and other girl assassinated in Arauquita, in addition to the disappearance, the alleged abuse and murder of another 14 years old young woman last October 14th, on events that occurred outside the conflict on broad daylight in which the investigations slowly advance.

    Under the Project Contribution to the Well – Being of rural girls, supported by the European Union, the girls from Arauca, manifest that they live in constant fear of a confrontation and that they would be in the middle of the cross-fire, because the Army uses to install their camps very near to the villages. Also, another one of the principal effects to the children and young girls is the constant crush or even worst, harassment by the military and armed groups.

    Humanidad Vigente, reiterates the rejection to the violence expressions against women, girls and teenagers in the Department of Arauca. And advices, that the practice of sexual violence as a war arm is widely used in this part of the country, by the criminal bands, military groups and even by members of the Army.

    On the most recent event, in which a young girl of 14 years old appeared killed with her two little brothers in a mass grave at 300 meters from her home and at 100 meters from a military camp, in the Vereda Caño Temblador, in the Municipio de Tame, we require that the authorities make the necessary investigations to get to the truth, the justice and the integral reparation.

    Humanidad Vigente knows that the collected information by the Humanitarian Mission, organized by the same community that visited the place where the events occurred and pictures were taken, shows that near to the mass grave there was food, as well as, testimonies of peasants that ensure that during the last days, the militaries came over some times to the house to ask to the children where was their father.
    Also, Humanidad Vigente joins the request to guarantee the security and protection conditions of those who have decided to witness in these cases.

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